Since 1993

Welcome to my humble little, no-frills review/opinion site. Yes, I know you don't particularly give a crap about what I have to say about movies. Too bad. "Why yaks?" you ask. Because the word "yak" is quite possibly the best word of the English language. Besides, this is my web site. I'm gonna do whatever I please with it, all right? All right.

There isn't really a set schedule as to when it will be updated, but it should average about twice a month, maybe a little more. So be sure to check back often!

And, hey, you want to help keep this site alive? You don't? Well, bite me then. But you can still check out my sponsor of the moment: B&T Factory Direct, the internet's newest site for big & tall clothing! Go ahead and click on the link or the banner below to check 'em out!

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Legal Stuff

Doogie's 5-Yak Reviews and all pages therein are copyright, Doug Smith, 1998-2017. Reproduction in any form, without expressed written consent of the author is forbidden and punishable by law. So there.